Support for Gender Responsive Pedagogy


2013 – 2014


IEE implemented PLAN Rwanda’s Gender Responsive Pedagogy project supporting underperforming girls. This project was implemented in Bugesera district East of Rwanda, in 21 schools and Gatsibo district, East of Rwanda in 20 schools. Through this project, IEE supported teachers to ensure that teaching and learning pays attention to specific learning needs of boys and girls. IEE advocated for Gender Responsive Pedagogy mobilizing all education partners to embrace an all-encompassing gender approach: scrutinizing all teaching and learning materials to eliminate gender stereotypes and emphasizing healthy teacher-student relationships. IEE conducted trainings on gender responsive pedagogy in all 41 schools in Bugesera and Gatsibo districts.

 In these schools, IEE also implemented Catch-up and Aftercare Programmes used as a way of sustaining revolutionary education practices in cohorts of schools that underwent IEE School Based Teacher Training Projects. The IEE Aftercare Programme focused on supporting identified teachers who carried on the work of helping their fellow teachers after the IEE School-based Teacher Trainers had completed their work in the school, on phasing out the project. This is IEE’s best practice sustainability model at the school level. The aftercare programme is always aimed at supporting and enhancing the good practices demonstrated by Teacher Trainers, to ensure that teachers have an increasing curiosity to further their knowledge of English language and that learner-centered teaching practices continue in the school, leading to creative-active learners whose improved learning outcomes demonstrate innate understanding of content and have life-long learning attitudes.


  • PLAN Rwanda

  • Ministry of Education

  • Rwanda Education Board

  • District and Sector Education Officials

  • Schools

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